Why I Choose To Live Slow

Afifa Bari
2 min readJun 2, 2021

I live a slow life. I live in the moment. I want to enjoy the present. Setting my phone aside is the first step in my process. I don't believe my story has to be extraordinary. Living simply is underrated. Most people long to live a life of luxury, be it with a large pool, designer bags, and fancy cars. Though that is a dream for many, like anything else, it comes with a hefty price.

Living a fast-paced life in the city takes away your autonomy to live in the moment as you’re constantly running from one place to another. Appointments are many and days are packed. In the mix of the hustle, hobbies are lost and sadness takes over. Losing sight of what’s important becomes apparent as connections disappear and all that’s left is the fancy car in your driveway as you head into the dark tunnel of loneliness and solitude.

Living slow gives you the opportunity to cherish the mundane. Be it the soft sunrays shining through your window in the early morning to the softness of the chocolate cake you devour in the evening. It’s sitting with your friends and catching up as if you were a teenager. It’s drawing badly in your sketchbook as you try to improve your art and learning a new language in your free time. It’s tasting every bite you take and cherishing every moment in this short life.

